Who we are
LUCKNOW Society is a non-profit organisation which is dedicated to the cause of preservation as well as promotion of culture & heritage of Lucknow ! It was established on 25th April 2011 as a registered body under Societies Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860). ‘Let’s Unite for Culture, Knowledge, Nationalism and Objective Welfare Society’ – Team LUCKNOW has a specific agenda with every letter of its name. The management of Society is in the hands of ardent Lucknowites, who have a zeal & devotion to face lift the culture & traditions of the city. ‘Save Our Heritage’ is to highlight the cause of the monuments of Lucknow. Some of the monuments have been completely destroyed after 1857 and much more are in state of continous decay. The Society aims to act as a bridge between the government departments and non-governmental organizations and every admirer of the city to publicize, promote & contribute towards the cause of the preservation of monuments. With all such tools and measures, we are making the youths aware about our Lucknow city and this will make them more connected to the heritage and culture along with the modernisation.